June 23 Denali Team Backcarried Today

An enthusiastic post was called in by the June 23rd Team.  I’m uncertain who the caller was, so if anyone can help identify him, please let us know!

The team backcarried today, meaning they dropped down out of camp to pick up the supplies they had cached at 13,500′ a few days before.  Reunited with all their food, fuel and supplies, they are now ready to turn their focus upwards, to the High camp at 17,200′.  Before they can move up to that elevation, they will probably make a practice run up part of the route, to review some specific skills that they will need to use when they make their next move upwards.

I guess we should tell him that Portugal dispatched our World Cup team last week, eh?


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for the postings which we enjoy following closely. Good to hear of your excellent team spirit and that all are OK.
    We will be thinking of you in the more challenging stages ahead and hope that the weather is kind to you.
    Hamba gahle and please take care.
    Robert and Penny

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