June 18 West Buttress Expedition – Move to Camp 2

Yesterday the June 18 team left Camp 1 at 7,800’ (2377m) and made their way to Camp 2 at 11,200’ (3413m). Leaving camp, the team climbs up Ski Hill towards Kahiltna Pass. On their way, they were able to pick up their cache of supplies that way tomorrow they can rest rather than retrieve them. Camp 2 is a beautiful camp. From here you can see the top of Mount Foraker, and often the bottom part of it and much of the glacier is obscured from view by low clouds. So far the team has had excellent weather, a sentiment echoed by teams all the way up at High Camp as well. Soon the team will be able to leave the snowshoes behind as they climb higher!

Here’s lead guide Harrison Lewis:


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