May 10th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Moves to High Camp!

This transmission is a bit broken and hard to hear, but we’re excited to announce that the May 10th West Buttress Denali Expedition has pushed up to High Camp at 17,000′!

A climber with the May 10th Team called in from their highest point on the mountain to give us the update:

Audio Recording

It sounds like they had beautiful weather for this move, which many climbers agree is one of the “Top 5 Hardest Days” of the entire expedition.

Climbers on the 16-Ridge heading to High Camp!

The May 10th Team is now on the “upper mountain” and is poised to watch the weather and plan a summit attempt when the conditions allow! High Camp is an inhospitable place where the winds are stronger, the temperatures are colder, and the air is thinner. But its also one of the most beautiful places on Earth, perched on the edge of the world!

A look at High Camp.

Nice work, May 10th Team! We’ll be paying extra close attention to their progress in the coming days! 


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