June 11 Denali West Buttress team – acclimating at 14,200′

Ryan called in for the June 11 Denali West Buttress at Camp Three at 14,200′! The team plans on being at 14-Camp for another couple of days to acclimate to the thinner air of the upper mountain, rest up for their summit bid, and refresh mountaineering skills that will be essential as the route becomes more steep, exposed and committing. From here, they will put away their sleds and snowshoes and trade them for ice axes and crampons. Above 14-Camp, they will ascend fixed lines up a steep headwall and continue on to High Camp at 17,200′. From there, when the weather allows, they will make their push for the summit!

Here’s Ryan!

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  1. Hi Ryan and Teri,
    Great to hear that you have moved up. I guess you have not gotten these messages. George is on a new antibiotic 2 times a day and antiseptic wipes. It appears to be doing the trick and he’s getting better. No smell. He goes back to the vet June 29. We walk twice a day, which in addition to the Dasequin seems to make him stronger. They love their walks! All is well here. Graham and Max came over today. Good to see them. Love and Prayers, Mom

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