Aconcagua Team – Carried to High Camp

Our team on Aconcagua made a carry today (Dec 30) up to high camp, so they now have plenty of food and fuel stockpiled at just about 20,000′. Everyone did well, but it is a tough day and they will undoubtedly enjoy relaxing for the rest of the afternoon back at Camp 2.

An interesting fact: Camp 2, located at 18,000′, has roughly one-half the available oxygen in any given volume of air as you would find at sea level. This is called a half an atmosphere, meaning that there is half the barometric pressure as typically found at sea level. By taking their time and slowly easing their bodies into the half atmosphere, climbers can actually feel pretty good at such elevations.

Here is Zach:


hiking to high camp

Climbers moving up towards the White Rocks high camp.

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