A Request from the May 20 Team!

Jorge Luis Decurgez called in on behalf of the May 20th team, who have spent their third weather day in a row, camped at the 14,200′ basin on the West Buttress route of Denali.  The team is doing well, but their food and supplies are dwindling with each passing day, so Jorge has asked for everyone reading this to do whatever is in your ability to help the weather improve so they can move upward.  He suggests going to church and praying, doing voodoo, or dancing naked under the full moon – they only need a few days of good weather!

Here’s to doing all of the above for the team!


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  1. Hello Gang ! Nous prions pour vous, for good weather !!!! Don’t give up :-)) On est avec vous ! GO GO GO

  2. I’ll do a dance. I usually bring bad weather though :D. Hopefully that means I move it away from Alaska and bring it down to CA ;).

  3. Hello all,

    Been praying that weather gets better. Big hug to Alain, thinking about you a lot… Hope you find what you are seeking…

  4. Hellllllloooo! SO? June 7 and no new posts… You climbed? Hope so! Thinking of you all! Alain, on pense à toi très fort! Bonne continuité et sois prudent. Les risques sont inutiles. Être là où tu es est en soit un exploit 🙂 Dominique et Michel xxx

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