January 27 Aconcagua – team waiting at Camp 2

Dave called in from 18,000′ as the team spent the evening hours in his and Fermin’s tent, while a bit of snow fell and the wind blew outside.  The wind that had been predicted has materialized, and the team is hunkered down, waiting for it to slacken.  I spoke with Fermin today and he said everyone is in good spirits, and they have plenty of food and fuel, so they are in no rush to move higher.

Tomorrow’s forecast looks better, so the team will awaken and watch to see how the day shapes up.  If it looks like the winds are lessening up high, they will probably move to high camp at some point during the day.  The 11th looks like it could be a fine summit day, so right now, the plan is to try for the top on Wednesday.

Here’s Dave!


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