May 30 Denali Team headed for the summit today!

Lead Guide Scott Woollums with the Mountain Trip May 30 Denali West Buttress expedition (referred to individually by nickname) called in with an update from the lofty High Camp at 17,200′.

The team just moved up yesterday in what Scott described as “absolutely perfect” weather, and set up camp on a beautiful evening, with views out over the entire Alaska Range. They are now higher than virtually all of the mountains around them. Everyone is now back to full-strength and feeling good about heading up.
Summit Day Route The team has decided to go for the summit today, along with two other Mountain Trip teams (May 28, led by guide Josh Gardner, and June 1, led by guide Jacob Schmitz). The weather today is expected to be exceptionally clear and calm, with the forecast only calling for winds as high as 10 mph.

We wish all three Mountain Trip teams headed for the summit the best of luck today as they endeavor towards the highest point in North America! We’ll post updated on all of the team’s progress as we receive them. It’s a big push from High Camp to the summit and back, and generally takes teams upwards of 12 hours. As far as weather goes, today is about as good as it gets in the Alaska Range.

Here’s Scott with the update:

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  1. Cabeza y foco hasta la cumbre, estamos conectados con el esfuerzo del día de cumbre, debieran estar llegando hoy como a las 15:00 de Chile. Fuerza y éxito!

  2. Me acabo de enterar de que todos hicieron cumbre….FELICITACIONES¡¡¡¡
    Que emocion…..idolos todos
    Que tengan un feliz regreso

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