May 13 Team – Cached Above Windy Corner

We’re excited to have May 13 team climber Francisco calling in with the dispatch in English and Portuguese today! Tap below to listen to the audio. From what we hear it was a very nice day for this team moving from Camp 2 11,000 ft (3353 m) to the team’s cache site above Windy Corner 13,000 ft (3962 m).

While the weather remained clear for the duration of the 2,300 ft (700 m) climb with loads of supplies for the cache (aka hole in the ground where we bury gear) true to its name strong winds started to blow right around the corner.

Hauling in half loads allows the team to have an active rest day without breaking down an entire camp, exposes climbers to higher elevations gradually to prevent altitude sickness, and makes for a lighter day of climbing the next time the team moves camps. This carry day takes about 6-7 hours round trip.

The team did well with exposure to this new higher elevation and is acclimatizing right on schedule for their move to Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m) tomorrow!


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