May 7 Team – Weather Day at Camp 2

Dodge called in with the dispatch for the May 7th team while keeping busy on a weather day at Camp 2 11,000 ft (3353 m). Today the team is learning how to build “wind walls” which is a good way to insulate your camp from drifting snow and to get some physical exertion on days when the weather dictates an extra day in camp. Using avalanche shovels and snow saws the team participates in harvesting large blocks of snow that stack into large barriers.

Heavy snow drifts can bury the sides of your tent while making it much more difficult to break camp when the weather does clear. After getting these camp chores done the climbers spent the rest of the afternoon reading in cozy -20 degree sleeping bags and sipping hot drinks – a classic Denali weather day activity! An afternoon to recuperate was followed by a delicious pesto pasta feast from the Mountain Trip guide kitchen. Yum!

Weather holds like this are common on this section of the route but, we know our team will be fueled and ready to ascend to Motorcycle Hill when the weather allows. Until next time!


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  1. Ryan – Glad to hear that you are safe and sound. Hang in there as I am sure that the weather will get better. Mom and Dad

  2. Way to go Ryan…hoping the cold snowy days let up soon so you can continue your ascent! We are all cheering you and your team on!!! Sending lots of good vibes your way!!!

  3. You got this Ry! Can’t wait to hear you regale us with some ascent stories in the coming weeks! Keep climbing brotha!

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