May 28 West Buttress Trip – Rest Day

Here’s a quick audio update from the May 28 West Buttress team, who took today as a rest day.

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  1. To Michael – May 28th Team June 9th
    Hi Mike. It was so good to hear your voice a few days ago. We’ve not had a updated report, so we don’t know where you are as of today. We continue to pray for you and your team daily as do many of our friends and family. You on my heart just about every waking moment of the day and several times during the night. Always a mother!! Keep strong. I’ll be anxious to hear when you’re safe at home, how this experience has transformed and enriched your life. Love and big hugs, Mom

  2. Every time I think of you, I’m in awe of your preparation and training for Denali. As a relative newcomer to mountaineering, it’s amazing what you have accomplished in a short period of time. As you had mentioned, embracing struggle for its own sake is an important step on your path. Another way of viewing that is, it’s not so much about reaching the summit, as it is about the journey. As many of us have prayed for you, we are drawn to Scripture for comfort and strength. This morning I read Proverbs 23, verse 26, which says, GIVE ME YOUR HEART, AND LET YOUR EYES OBSERVE MY WAYS. Draw your strength from knowing that God will guide and protect you in your journey. We are so proud of you! Love Mick

  3. So glad you had a day of rest. It sounds like all are going relatively well. Take care of yourselves. Cheers to Steve and Lara from Aly and Matt.

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