May 6 Denali Team Is waiting in Talkeetna

The team awoke early this morning and loaded up in one of our Mountain Trip vans for the two hour drive north to Talkeetna, Alaska.  Literally at the end of the road, Talkeetna is a sleepy little town, which has served as the gateway to the Alaska Range for decades.

The team checked in with our partners at the National Park Service, where a ranger provided them with an orientation given to every prospective Denali climber.  They completed a bit of paperwork and then drove over to our friends and Talkeetna Air Taxi where they finalized preparations for their planned flight to the Kahiltna Glacier.

After weighing all their bags and finishing a bit more paperwork, the team settled down to wait, and wait… and wait…  The weather was not willing to give them the good window to make their flight today.  Finally, the decision to wait until tomorrow was made and so the team will spend one more night with a roof over their heads, before hopefully flying to the glacier tomorrow.


The team at the Talkeetna Airstrip, waiting to fly!

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