May 29th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Arrives at Camp 3!

Lead Guide Josh called in from the May 29th West Buttress Expedition to report that the team made it Camp 3. The team is now settling in to life at 14,200′!

Their dispatch gets cut off at the end but give it a listen! Marshall shares what was on his mind as he made the hard move from Camp 2 to Camp 3.

Listen here: Audio Recording

A beautiful day at 14-Camp.

“I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”. Just like “The Little Engine That Could”, Marshall and his team just kept chugging along and worked hard to move from Camp 2, up Motorcycle Hill, up Squirrel Hill, across the Polo Fields, and around Windy Corner to arrive at Camp 3 or “14-Camp”.

Nice work team! We are happy to hear they have made it to 14-Camp. Now the team can get some rest and begin eyeing the upper mountain. 

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  1. So great to hear your voice, Marshall! The story unfortunately cut off for me so you will have to tell it to us later. I am glad to know you all have a rest day at Camp 3 today. More than well deserved and I am sure very needed! Each of you is incredible and we are all rooting for you!

    • That was always one of my favorite books, too! And I think I can is a good mantra for us all to live by!

  2. Congratulations team. Camp 3! Hope you get rest and be ready for high camp push! So impressive you all!

  3. I’ll second what Emily said, Marshall. So good to hear your voice. I keep trying to imagine the cold, and decided that my imagination is not that good! Keep on chugging up that mountain!

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