May 26th West Buttress Denali Expedition – SUMMIT DAY!

Lead Guide Ty called in to let us know that he and members of the May 26th West Buttress Denali Expedition team made it to the summit today!!! 

Listen to Ty here: Audio Recording

Stoked Mountain Trip climbers on the summit in 2022.

Congratulations to Lead Guide Ty, Assistant Guide Kaylee, and the other members of the team who made it to the top of North America! 

The final ridge to the summit.

It sounds like they had some decent weather and took full advantage of it. Now, the team will begin the long journey down the mountain in a safe and efficient manner. We’ll keep you posted on their progress!

In the meanwhile, join us in wishing a hearty CONGRATS to this team for their hard work and perseverance!

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  1. Congratulations May 26 Team!! So happy you got to summit Ben. Everyone back home has been cheering you on. Enjoy the rest of your trip, can’t wait to see you and hear all about it.

  2. Thanks Ty for the good news. We congratulate you and the whole team and wish you a safe return to base camp. Warm greetings from Germany especially to David.

  3. Excellent job! Now you’ve got to get Ben down and back to work, take the same approach as you would with cats in trees

  4. Herzlichen Glückwunsch allen Teilnehmern und tolle Arbeit des gesamten Teams. Jetzt freuen wir uns auch euch zuhause wieder zu haben.

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