May 26th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Cached on 16-Ridge!

Climber Tavis from the May 26th West Buttress Denali Expedition called in from Camp 3 to report that his team made their first successful trip up the fixed lines to install a cache on the 16,000′ Ridge that leads to High Camp! 

Listen here: Audio Recording

The team is now in position to move up to High Camp when the weather looks good and make a bid for the summit!

A climber on the fixed lines, with Camp 3 in the distant background.

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  1. Yay, we loved hearing your voice Tavis and Luke’s yesterday. So happy to hear that the climb is going well. Hope everyone can get some rest and acclimate and continue with this wonderful experience. Can’t wait to see you guys soon!

  2. Wir wünschen dir, David und allen Mitgliedern des Teams, dass ihr bei gutem Wetter den Weg zum Gipfel antreten könnt. Ihr habt schon so viel geleistet, seid stolz auf Euch!

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