May 22nd West Buttress Denali Expedition – Back Carry below Camp 2

The May 22nd West Buttress Denali Expedition is now fully setup at Camp 2 (11,200′) after completing a “back carry” to retrieve their cache and bring it back up to camp. 

Sadly this satellite phone transmission, like so many other calls coming from Camp 2, gets cut off at the end… But this climber reports that the team is doing well and the guides are taking very good care of them!

Listen here: Audio Recording

DID YOU KNOW? The first ascent of the West Buttress of Denali was completed by Bradford Washburn and his team in July 1951, establishing the standard route up the mountain. The West Buttress is the most popular route on Denali, because it is considered the easiest and safest route. The route is 16.5 miles long and has an ascent of 13,570 feet from the air strip to the summit! 

Now that the May 22nd Team is fully established at Camp 2 with all of their food and gear, they will begin hoping for an opportunity to continue their ascent by caching around Windy Corner in the coming days. Stay tuned!

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