May 19th West Buttress Expedition – Rest Day at Camp 3

The team enjoyed a great rest day at Camp 3 yesterday. Even though temps may seem cold compared to your normal day at home, a sunny day at Camp 3 can feel luxurious as you nap in your tent and make a dent in your snack bag. Rest days are important so the team can recuperate before making a big push up to High Camp and beyond. They were able to maximize their day with a quick walk over to a scenic viewpoint known as the “Edge of the World”. So called because you arrive a the edge of the plateau that Camp 3 rests on and it drops dramatically several thousand feet down to the Kahiltna Glacier below. From Camp 3 on a clear day you feel like you are above it all as you look out over miles and miles of mountain tops making up the Alaska Range. Mount Foraker or Sultana also dominates your view. There is an iconic rock at the Edge of the World that you can climb up on for a dramatic photo with the incredible scenery described above laying out behind you.

Hopefully the team finds an ideal weather window to move up to High Camp in the coming days!

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