May 19th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Arrives at Camp 2!

Assistant Guide Joe from the May 19th West Buttress Denali Expedition called in to report that the team has made it to Camp 2 at 11,200′!

The transmission is a bit broken (Camp 2 is notorious for featuring bad satellite phone reception!), but you can hear that the weather was all over the place for the team: toasty at times, snowy at times!

In Joe’s words: “Kinda crazy, huh? I thought it was May!?”

Give it a listen here: Audio Recording

Camp 2 at 11,000′ on the West Buttress Route on Denali.

The weather on Denali can only be described as “fickle” and “ever-changing”. One second, our teams can be dripping in sweat as the strong late May sunshine beats down on their backs and the next second, the wind kicks up and snow begins to fall!

Nice work on making the move to Camp 2, team!

Up next for the May 19th Team: they will begin eyeing an opportunity to put in a cache around Windy Corner and eventually, move on up to Camp 3!

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  1. Go team go! So thrilled you are making it work even with a man down! Tom, I know you can make it great! Xxoo

  2. Great work team. Sending positive vibes to you all. You are all amazing!
    @Ben Vella, love you ❤️

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