May 19th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Arrives at High Camp!

Climber Mick from the May 19th West Buttress Denali Expedition called in from 17,200′ to report that the team climbed up the fixed lines, traversed the 16-Ridge and has arrived at High Camp!

Here’s Mick: Audio Recording

denali high camp

Denali’s Highest Camp, at 17,200′.

We’re impressed with how excited and energized the team sounds! Moving from Camp 3 to High Camp is definitely one of the “Top 5 Hardest Days on Denali” for most climbers, but it also means that you’re just one more hard day from potentially reaching the summit!

Climbers resting on 16-Ridge with Washburn’s Thumb in the background.

Now that the May 19th team has arrived at High Camp, they’ll assess how everyone is feeling and analyze the weather forecast to find their ideal opportunity to make a summit bid. It could be as soon as tomorrow!

Let’s send “summit vibes” up to High Camp and keep these folks in our thoughts as they make their attempt at standing on highest point in North America soon! 

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  1. Best wishes to the team! We are rooting for you! Andrew, we miss you at BBT. Great meeting you in Vancouver, and will look forward to hearing about this tremendous effort!

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