May 17th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Cached on the 16-Ridge

Assistant Guide Boaz with the May 17th West Buttress Denali Expedition called in from Camp 3 to announce that the team made a successful journey up the fixed lines to put in a cache on the 16,000′ Ridge that leads to High Camp! 

Listen to Boaz here: Audio Recording

The 16-Ridge.

This small team of 3 has been cruising up the mountain, and they were able to put in a cache near Washburn’s Thumb, a large rock spire along the ridge named after the West Buttress first ascentionist Bradford Washburn.

Climbers resting on 16-Ridge with Washburn’s Thumb in the background.

The “tallest team on Denali” is  hoping to make the move up to High Camp in the next day or so. Wish them luck! 

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