May 12th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Arrives at High Camp!

Lead Guide Harrison called in from 17,000′ to report that the May 12th West Buttress Denali Expedition has made it to High Camp! 

Give it a listen: Audio Recording

It sounds like Harrison and his team experienced amazing views on the 16,000′ Ridge that leads from the Headwall to High Camp! It is one of the most incredible parts of the West Buttress Route, with some big time exposure on both sides of the ridge!

A climber on the 16-Ridge.

The team is now poised to wait for a favorable weather window and make an attempt at the summit!

We are wishing for blue skies, light winds, and warm temperatures for the May 12th Team! 

denali high camp

High Camp at dusk.


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    I LOVE YOU HSL 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 👌 💙 💙 💜 💙 💜

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