Denali Team Dagg On The Summit!

Brian Dagg called in from the summit of Denali along with Mountain Trip guides Zach Keskinen and Jason Denley!

Pushing up during a very cold day, the climbers reported gusty winds as they made their way up to the summit of North America.  The route took them up the 1000′ (300m) rising traverse known as “The Autobahn” to the low point between Denali’s lower north summit and the 20,310′ (6190m) south summit.  They then climbed up a short steeper section of route past the grey and black striped Zebra Rocks and followed rising, but gentler terrain to the 19,500′ Football Field, a flat section just below the summit.

Climbing steeper snow, they gained the summit ridge, a narrow snow and ice ridge with 9000′ of air off to the right of the climbers, where the south face of Denali falls away just off the edge of their boots. the ridge climbs pas a huge cornice before it rises no further and the team stood high above the Alaska Range!

Great job everyone!

Here is the team, calling from the summit of Denali:

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  1. Absolutely stoked for you all to get to the top!!! Safe travels down to camp x
    I knew you would do it this time Bri – lotsa luv Dale xxx

  2. Don’t see our previous comment posted, so sending another one, as we cheer here in Mill Valley, Ca…..Right-on, Daggy…safe travels on descent!!!!!!!….Bud and Susan

  3. Congratulations Daggy! I was on your rope on the descent from High Camp last year. I am so glad you got to the top this year. Well deserved. I hope to go back next year to Denali.

  4. Hallelujah, We are so glad to hear your voice ! We can only imagine how beautiful,it is, how difficult and how much fortitude you need to make it to the summit. I must ad luck , weather wise , to that list. Congratulations to the entire team and be safe coming down that fierce mountain.

    Love, Mom and Dad Denley

  5. Congrats to the team! What a wonderful experience. I can only imagine the beautiful views and soup for the soul the summit must be!

    Great work!
    Love you Uncle Stinky!


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