June 6 West Buttress Denali Expedition SUMMIT – Reporting from the top of North America!!

Ah, man, what an uplifting summit message from the June 6 West Buttress Team–successfully on the SUMMIT of Denali! We’re so excited for the whole team to stand on the 20,310′ summit together.This is a culmination of a lot of hard work for the team and many of different elements coming together.

Big congratulations to everyone for their hard work paying off, and everything going their way on this trip (aside from the initial hang up on flying into the range). They still have a lot of work ahead of them. First they’ll descend back down to High Camp for a rest, likely staying the night to sleep off the big effort of summit day. From there, they’ll have a brief stop back at 14,200′ before making a big push through the night all the way back to base camp, where they’ll await their plane back to dry land!

Here’s the team in full elation! We loved this one. Summit day takes most teams upwards of 12 hours, and the team will likely be pretty beat when they make it back down to High Camp, so don’t be too alarmed if they don’t call in an update until they’ve descended lower on the route.

Have a listen:


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  1. Congratulations!! What a phenomenal accomplishment!! We are all thrilled for you and this magnificent adventure!! Safe journey back down . Can’t wait to share a glass of wine and celebrate with you!!

  2. Congratulations to the whole Team!! You are all rockstars!! Safe journey back down and can’t wait to hear the story!!

  3. Hooray!! Such an amazing accomplishment!! We are all so very proud of you and your team! So great to hear all your voices. Love you and safe journey from all the Family Higgins👏🥰

  4. Dad and I are so proud of you Jason. It takes a very special person to climb Denali as many times as you have. Your fortitude your confidence your courage your strength and your passion for others makes you a wonderful person and a terrific guide.
    We are so proud of you all for submitting. I know you all had to be tough suckers ,,!,!
    Being able to Summit Denali is such a big accomplishment I hope you carry the thrill of this for years to come.
    Bless you all, and stay safe.
    Dan &Gail Denley Love you mom and Dad.
    ( thanks for the special shout out )

  5. Congrats to the entire team! Loved hearing your journey. Harrison, you’ve made me a proud big sister once again. Can’t wait to hear more details and see all the incredible pictures.

  6. Jason you are the trail boss!!! Congratulations on your summit. You are my guide if I ever return to Denali. I mentioned to Ross he was making a huge mistake by switching to Eli’s team. They are sitting in the resort at 14 taking a sauna and shower. You have the stuff and fortitude that makes it possible for the recreational climber to realize their dreams. You’re a PRO! Cheers, Gerard

  7. Congrats team! Wow. I hope Eli can do the same for Ross Jobson team. He was supposed to be in this team and switched to the June 9th one.

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