Another Summit!! May 22 Team!

Yesterday, our May 22nd team awoke at 17,200′ with the understanding that it was the last day they had available in their schedule to make a summit bid.  As the sun crept around the south side of north America’s tallest mountain, the skies cleared and the team suited up, tied into their climbing ropes and started up the long, rising traverse known as “The Autobahn,” en route to the top.  They made good time and reached the summit at about 7:00 pm Alaska time!

We don’t have a lot of details, as satellite communications were challenging last night, but we heard that they reached the summit and made it back to High Camp.

Congratulations climbers!!!

denali summit map

The route from just outside High Camp to the summit of Denali.

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  1. Congratulations, Michael and May 22 team! So proud of you! Enjoy the downhill trek.
    Love, Mom and Dad

  2. Yay!!!!! That is beyond amazing. So proud of you Chris and all you have accomplished. Congrats to the team, it sounds like it has been a great trip.

  3. Chris Hill,
    Your family is so happy for your accomplishment and can’t wait for you to share the details with us. We realize that your climbing guide and fellow climbers were essential to your success and we thank and congratulate them as well. We’re extremely proud of your efforts and dedication and thankful that you are headed down. The mountain gods have been good to you over the years and this will be a trip you will cherish the rest of your life. Be safe. — see you Tuesday!
    Love, Dad & Mom

  4. Dad (Craig),
    We’re proud of you.
    We told you that you could do it, all that hard work and minimal extra time you had paid off. When you get back down make sure you eat as many Boston cremes at possible to put that weight back on lol.
    We love you and look forward to facetiming you!

    • Thanks beautiful family it was damn hard but having you at the bottom of the hill got me home safe and well, thankyou for believing in me xx

  5. chapeau! congratulations! felicitationes! mazeltov!hurra! And miuch more words to the teAm in any language they prefer. and a special thank you to dan for a greaat job. we admire all of you but will not deny to be very proud of you, grosser. hurry now to come back in our arms. horst und vera.

  6. even if it is a duplicate,we exclaim: congratulations, felicitacipnes, chapeau, hurra and a big hug for dan who made it possible for all of you to celebrate and to be so proud pf you hurry bach grosser, our arms are spresd out waing for you. horst and vera.

    • The very best! If yoy knew how many hours Dan waded rhrough snow breaking trail with phenomenal strength you’d be suirably proud, without him it woukd never have been remotely possible.


    • Incredible guy. Incredible team. On summit day it’s showtime and boy did Dan and his team show up.
      They forged and led s very passionate team out of us five individuals and transferred their craft and competence while blasting the way.

      Extremely grateful to all three. An experience of a life time.

  7. We are all so happy for you, Anne and the rest of the team! I bet you are eager to get out of the cold and snow, so return safely and tell more about your amazing journey!

  8. Well done little Bro – Great achievement – hopefully you still have 10 fingers and toes ( if you haven’t your Billy Hudsons ) Safe journey back to UK

    • Thanks big bro, I am fine and well, it was a life goal and boy was it hard but will recover asap. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


  9. Hi Brian,
    We are so very, very happy for you on your truly wonderful accomplishment! Congratulations to everyone on your team! Sending lots of good wishes! Look forward to talking with you soon.
    Love, Grandma and Annemarie

    • Hi Kramp family,

      Please be justifiably proud that Brian got the 3 of us to the Summit his strength experience and capability more importantly ensured we all returned home safe and well, without him over the last 15 days it would not have been possible.

      Thanks again Brian I will forveter be grateful for you strength and understanding.


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