Trip Reports
Bill called this morning and we then received a podcast from Neal Beidleman, both informing us that the team is safely back at Camp 2, and looking forward to one more day of downward travel before returning to Base Camp.  It sounds like summit day was a really nice one,
Yesterday brought nasty weather to the range so Dave Ahrens took the day to teach  camp building skills, the foundation of a successful trip into the range.  Their plan still remains the same- when the weather breaks they will head up the glacier to camp 1 at 7,800'.
Mountain Trip guide, Zach Johnson calls in the podcast today. [audio:|titles=Audio Post]
Listen to Scott Woolums as he gives us the update! [audio:]
Scott called from Camp 4 a few hours ago to report that everyone is safe and sound and thrilled with their summit day. It sounds like a perfect day for the ascent, and although they had a bit of snow on the descent; they had amazing views from the top
Dave Ahrens has spent the last several days training his crew in mountain skills, and now they are poised to move out of basecamp along the Kahiltna to camp 1 at 7,800'.  The plan is to continue up the Kahiltna to the base of Kahiltna Pass at 10,000' to prepare
Pi signaled that all is well yesterday, and the team took a half rest day in order to travel down the glacier to pick up the remainder of their gear and bring it all back to camp at 11,000'.  Half rest days involve a few hours of work and then
Zach Johnson has arrived at 11,000' with the entire expedition in his wake.   Temperatures were reported to be tolerable despite a stout headwind, and now after probing their campsite to prove the absence of crevasses they are tucked in behind snow walls as the wind is forecasted to pick up
WIND!  The team tells me that the Park Service tents stationed at 14 camp were recording gusts of wind clocked at 50mph yesterday, so lead guide Mike Burmeister compensated for the bad weather by cooking a few hot meals and telling a few jokes.  The team continues to be strong
WIND!  The team tells me that the Park Service tents stationed at 14 camp were recording gusts of wind clocked at 50mph yesterday, so lead guide Mike Burmeister compensated for the bad weather by cooking a few hot meals and telling a few jokes.  The team continues to be strong
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