May 10th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Arrives at Camp 2!

We’re excited to announce that the May 10th West Buttress Denali Expedition has made it to Camp 2 and is spending the night at 11,000ft / 3352m!

Expedition member Thiyag called in via satellite phone to give us an update. Click the link below to listen!

Audio Recording

Yesterday the team climbed from Camp 1 (7800′) up “Ski Hill” along the Kahiltna Glacier towards Kahiltna Pass before turning right to enter the glaciated cirque that Camp 2 (11,000′) calls home. This move involved ascending approximately 3200ft / 975m in elevation over the course of 4 miles/6.5km of walking. It also means that the May 10th West Buttress Denali Expedition slept at 11,000′ for the first night of their trip, a new high point!

Thiyag informed us that the team moved well, their new landscape looks amazing, and Lead Guide Logan treated them to a dinner of Philly Cheesesteaks upon arrival to Camp 2. Yum! 

A glimpse into the kitchen on one of our Denali expeditions!




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