June 26 Team – Pushing the Route Higher!

Kevin Koprek called from 14,200′ with an update. The team has been stuck at camp due to deep snow with unstable layers on the slopes above them.  Kevin described it as a “layer cake of snow,” meaning multiple weak layers, with a thicker slab towards the top, a result of the wind event that followed the snowfall.  What this translated to was a very suspect slope of snow that the guides have been reluctant to venture up onto.

In a gross over simplification and apologies to any snow science gurus out there- snow metamorphoses over time, and can become more stable as a result of how it changes after some sunny days.  Today, A group of guides broke trail up to the base of the fixed lines at 15,600′ and assessed the stability of the snow by digging a series of pits, which enabled them to get a better idea of what was going on under the surface.  They decided that things have set up sufficiently to warrant a push up to high camp tomorrow, should the weather permit!

Here’s Kevin:


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